George Mwaura Karumbi
2 min readFeb 13, 2023


Maximizing Efficiency: Strategies for Optimizing Gas Usage in Solidity Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are an essential part of the Ethereum network, and their performance is critical to the overall health of the ecosystem. One of the key factors affecting smart contract performance is the cost of executing code, which is measured in terms of gas. Gas is a unit of computation used in the Ethereum network, and it is required for every operation performed on the blockchain. To ensure that smart contracts are efficient and cost-effective, it’s important to optimize their gas usage. In this article, we’ll discuss some strategies for optimizing gas usage in Solidity.

  1. Splitting Large require and revert Statements

The require and revert statements in Solidity are used to validate conditions and stop execution if they are not met. When the data associated with these statements is longer than 32 bytes, it's recommended to split it into multiple statements, each less than 32 bytes, to save on gas.

  1. Use of x = x + y Over x += y

In Solidity, it’s recommended to use x = x + y instead of x += y when incrementing variables. The x += y syntax is less efficient and uses more gas than the x = x + y syntax.

  1. Use of unchecked in Loops

The unchecked keyword can be used in Solidity to suppress overflow checks, which can improve performance and reduce gas usage. It's recommended to use the unchecked keyword in loops when it's known that an operation will not overflow, but be careful when using this keyword as it can lead to unexpected results if an overflow occurs.

  1. Inlining Internal Functions

Internal functions are functions that can only be called from within the contract and are not accessible from the outside. If a function is only called once, it can be inlined to save on gas. Inlining eliminates the overhead associated with calling a function, which can significantly reduce gas usage.

In conclusion, optimizing gas usage in Solidity is an important aspect of developing efficient and cost-effective smart contracts. By following these strategies, developers can reduce the cost of executing code, improve performance, and ensure that their smart contracts run smoothly on the Ethereum network.



George Mwaura Karumbi

Cybersecurit Specialist/Software Engineer based in Nairobi Kenya.